Welcome to AstronomersDoItInTheDark.com
If you came to this site hoping to find images of scientists expanding their knowledge of the carnal variety,
please accept my humble apologies. For, while I think we'll all agree that
galaxies are impressive in their size, and many globular clusters are extraordinarily
well endowed, the only thing bare on this site are references to one's
ability to see the objects pictured with the unaided (i.e. naked) eye.
You see, I am a lover. But, in the context of this website, a different
kind of lover. I am an "amateur astronomer", and that phrase
loosely translates from Latin to a "lover of the stars".
Like some who are amorous, I often pick up my camera to photograph
the objects of my affection. And on this site, I would enjoy sharing these
images with you - namely, my astrophotographs attempting to capture the
sensuous beauty of the skies above.
Thank you for stopping by......
Scott Rosen
Pine Mountain Club, California